Do you feel like a fraud?

I do sometimes. When you’re building or even sharing your ideas with others, you can feel like a fraud. You might think, I don’t know enough, or others know better than me.

There are moments when you doubt your ideas, thinking they’re not good enough. And when people ask for your advice, you might not feel confident enough to give an answer.

It’s a leap of faith. You have to believe in your abilities. I feel this way all the time, but I remind myself that sharing knowledge is one of the best ways to help someone.

The “experts” we admire are just regular people.

The expert you look up to today was once a beginner too. They didn’t have all the answers but took action despite their doubts.

Deep down, we all fear things might fall apart. We worry, What if I’m not good enough? And because of this fear, we stop ourselves from trying new things.

Don’t hold back from pursuing what you want just because you feel unqualified—even when you have the knowledge.